1st Annual Brothers For Life
Men's Conference
Meet Our Dynamic Lineup of Speakers
Kevin Mosby Sr. has been an ordained minister for 18 years. He loves preaching and teaching God’s word. He has been a member of The Kingdom Center Church for five years, where he serves as one of the Pastoral Care Leaders, a captain on the Connections Team, and a board member of the Men’s Ministry (Culture Kings).
Kevin has an Associate Degree in Electronic Engineering. He has worked in this field since 1995. He currently serves as a supervisor at ATS Integrated. Also, after feeling an unction from the Lord, Kevin returned to school in 2010. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Religion in 2016. In 2017, the Lord told him to continue his education. He received his Master of Divinity in May of 2022. He received both degrees from Liberty University.
Tod Moore, is the husband of Dee Guinn-Moore, a father of three amazing children, and the dedicated Founder and Executive Director of two esteemed nonprofit organizations, New Day Ministries and Dream Center Academy Christian School, located in Louisville, KY. With a passion for serving and uplifting his community, Tod has spent years working tirelessly to provide support and resources to those in need.
Under Tod's leadership, New Day Ministries has become a beacon of hope for individuals facing adversity, offering a wide range of services including empowerment, mentorship, and educational programs. Additionally, Dream Center Academy Christian School provides a nurturing and faith-based environment for children and families to thrive academically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Ronnie Harrison, In his more than thirty years of full-time ministry, Ronnie Harrison has served the Lord along side some of the giants of the faith. His spiritual heritage, experience and faith in God has birthed a vision to reach the greater Kentuckiana region with the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
A native of Oklahoma, Ronnie was born into a Choctaw family with generations of Pentecostal preachers in his blood. Raised in a pastor’s home, by age 22 he was full time staff at his father’s church what is now Quest Church in Norman.In a step of faith, following the vision God had given them, the Harrisons moved to Louisville, Kentucky and planted The Kingdom Center church in the fall of 2009. Knowing less than a half dozen people in a city of 1.3 million, Ronnie and Stephanie birthed this church in the living room of their small condo. Now over a decade later, The Kingdom Center serves 1700+ members. The Kingdom Center challenges people to live more than a “church life” but a kingdom life – a life lived to His highest purpose.
Ronnie and Stephanie are the proud parents of 4 children, Collin Macguire, Rylie Jade, Landon Carter, Isabella Reese.
Online at: the
Chris Davis is the Community Outreach, VP with First Southern National Bank. He lives in Louisville, KY with his wife and 3 children. Chris has been in banking for 10+ years, specializing in small business banking for the majority of his career. In his recent Community Outreach role he is focused on building relationships with the community through financial literacy and discipleship, working with business leaders, non-profits, churches and other influential organizations. First Southern exist to use our example, our influence and our resources to help others make wise financial decisions. Chris endeavors to provide wise counsel to the communities and clients that we serve.
Dr. Parnell O. Minter is a Clinical Psychologist with the California Department of Corrections. He earned his bachelor’s degree in psychology from Morehouse College. He attended graduate school at Howard University where he earned a Master of Education in community mental health and PhD in clinical psychology. He is the husband to the beautiful Sydney Minter and father to four beautiful baby girls, Ryse, Ashtyn, Kobe and Sydney Jr.
Chartrael Hall is a Man of Faith in The Most High, Husband to Shelby Hall, Father to three beautiful daughters Mya, Skyler, Journee and a son Noah Hall.
A 2009 Bellarmine Grad and former international professional basketball player for seven years after his New York Knicks tryout in 2009. Upon returning home, Hall started a consultation company, Constant Progression Inc., and is Co-Founder, Vice President and Executive Director of Mentors of the nonprofit Get Better Every Day (G.B.E.D.) A 501(c)3 whose mission is to mentor and guide the youth through education and sports focusing on developing their spiritual, mental, emotional and physical components.
Hall played an instrumental part in bringing the largest youth basketball tournament in the world under one roof (80 courts and 1,400 girl teams) to Louisville, KY in 2016-2020 and was apart of the initial NBA2LOU group in 2018.
A youth and young adult minister for 4 years striving to serve the community and show the love, grace and mercy that has been shown to him all his life. Assisting others to navigate the short time we have on this earth and know their path and walk their path.
Hall is a life coach, inspirational speaker and servant leader. A former Louisville mayoral candidate of previous years 2022 primary election. Hall is now Community Outreach Specialist for Louisville Metro Department of Corrections while continuing to focus on politics to prepare the next generations for the arena that governs and rules our lives whether we are aware or agree.
“We must let love lead and love each other unconditionally if we truly are to see a better today for tomorrow.”
Parnell Minter, Brothers For Life Exective Director

Parnell Minter will cast the vision and give Brothers For Life ministry update.
About Brothers For Life

“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”
​-Frederick Douglas
Brothers For Life is a Group of older and younger men coming together in the spirit of Titus.
​TITUS 2 vs 2, 6-7
OUR MISSION: The older men training up the younger men in order to help them become the men of God, the Lord has called them to be.
Over 40% of children grow up in single parent households without a FATHER. Over 70% of Black children are born and raised in a home with NO FATHER.
Brothers For Life is assigned by God to help, support and be a part of the solution. We are changing the trajectory of young men’s Lives and seeing families restored. BFL averages 12 to 15 boys in our groups. We have mentored approximately 60 young men.
Brothers For Life offers:
Individual Mentoring
BFL Support Group
Support After Abortion “Keys To Hope and Healing” for men (partnering with Support After Abortion)
Teaching Leadership Training
‘Leaders are Readers’ Monthly Book Club
Marriage & Parenting studying the Bible together
Financial Literacy
Consequences of a "Fatherless" Home:
63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes.
90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes.
85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes.
80% of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes.
71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes.
75% of all adolescent patients in chemical abuse centers come from fatherless homes.
70% of youths in state-operated institutions come from fatherless homes.
85% of all youths in prison come from fatherless homes.
43% of U.S. children live without their father.
71% of pregnant teenagers lack a father.
Fatherless children are twice as likely to drop out of school.
Children with Fathers who are involved are 40% less likely to repeat a grade in school.
Children with Fathers who are involved are 70% less likely to drop out of school.
Children with Fathers who are involved are more likely to get A's in school.
Children with Fathers who are involved are more likely to enjoy school and engage in extracurricular activities.
Source: (http:///
The Mission :
Awaken, Train and Mobilize the Church as a whole, but the historically black church in particular, to end abortion in our communities, restore broken families and change the Trajectory of teens and young adults' lives, thereby Achieving a Kingdom First, Christ Centered Culture Change all by the amazing Grace of God.
Need More Information?
Please Contact:
Parnell Minter - (502) 291-5057 or
Angela Minter - (502) 408-2590