Sisters For Life and Brothers For Life 17th Annual Life Celebration Fundraising Gala
Theme: Working Together For The Full Coming Of God’s Kingdom
Thy Kingdom Come (Mathew 6vs.9-10)
Called to the Kingdom for such a time as this (Esther 4vs.14)
Saturday, November 16, 2024
Marriott Louisville East
1903 Embassy Square Blvd 40299
Ticket cost ($120) and Tables ($1,200)
Reception 5 pm
Doors open 5:30 pm
Program 6 pm
Featured Special Guest Keynote:
Our Special Guest Keynote Speaker:
Suffragan Bishop Micheal E. Ford, Jr.

​Suffragan Bishop Michael E. Ford Jr., is the Senior Pastor of Christ Temple Christian Life Center in Louisville Kentucky, and serves as the Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic Faith International Convention Manager, and Executive Director on the staff of Presiding Bishop Lambert W. Gates Sr. Bishop Ford founded the nationally recognized youth education program called Children Against Negativity (CAN). This program has served and educated more than 2000 youths and introduced the same to know the life changing power of Jesus Christ. Bishop Ford raised over $300,000 through grants and donations to fund the CAN program. Bishop Ford also directs the Christ Temple International ministries in Kenya and Tanzania East Africa. Through his leadership and partnership with Bishop Wilson Madegwa the ministry advanced from five (5) churches to thirty-one churches. Funds were raised, plans were drawn, and the following facilities were established: A six-hundred seat sanctuary & headquarters; three primary & secondary school campuses; three student dormitories, eight church campuses; and one pastoral parsonage. Bishop Ford and Lady Andrea also served as philanthropist to the ministry; donating much of the funds needed to purchase the lands and materials for the buildings.
Suffragan Bishop Michael E. Ford, Jr., was a professional firefighter for 23 years, and earned multiple promotions, ascending to the high rank of Lieutenant Colonel and the position of Assistant Chief of the Louisville Fire Department. There he directed the administration of 500 employees and a $54 million-dollar budget.
Bishop Ford is an international speaker, excelling in the subjects of organizational leadership, strategic community building, and youth empowerment. Suffragan Bishop Ford, Jr., is a published author, with his acclaimed book, 24 What Can Happen In A Day.
Suffragan BishopMichael E. Ford, Jr., and Lady Andrea Ford are business partners in their real estate, hotel, and transportation-companies.
Bishop Ford is founder and president of the internationally recognized Master Builders Academy, an organization committed to inspiring communities to achieve intellectual and economic renaissance through professional development and entrepreneurial instruction.
Suffragan Bishop Michael E. Ford, Jr., and Lady Andrea are high school sweethearts and have been married for 26 years. They have five excellent children: Michael III, Sarah Elisabeth, Josiah Raphael, Judah Shane, and Matthew Zion.

About Sisters For Life
Sisters For Life is a Pro-Abundant Life Christian nonprofit 501c3 organization inspired by God to take a holistic approach in advocating for pre born babies and their mothers and fathers that are faced with an unintended pregnancy.
We are also advocates for God’s family values. God has a good plan and purpose for every life and family. Our assignment is to serve and assist them in fulfilling that plan. In addition, the LORD has assigned SFL to AWAKEN, TRAIN and MOBILIZE, the Church as a whole, but the historically black church in particular, to end abortion in our communities, restore broken families and change the trajectory of teens and young adults' lives, thereby Achieving a Kingdom First, Christ Centered Culture Change all by the amazing Grace of God.
Sisters For Life's Mission :
Awaken, Train and Mobilize the Church as a whole, but the historically black church in particular, to end abortion in our communities, restore broken families and change the Trajectory of teens and young adults' lives, thereby Achieving a Kingdom First, Christ Centered Culture Change all by the amazing Grace of God.
Need More Information:
Contact: Karen Brookins
Phone: (502) 235-8896